Censo engaged FYEO to perform a secure code review and ongoing review of the Censo iOS and Android applications.
Censo is The Seed Phrase Manager designed to keep your most precious digital records safe, so you’ll never lose access to your crypto.
With over $200 billion in crypto lost due to lost seed phrases, it’s clear why keeping them in a safe place is the cause of much angst and shared by many wallet owners. But securely storing your seed phrase shouldn’t be your burden to bear alone. Now, Censo safeguards your crypto, so you’ll never have to worry about losing access to it again.
Censo manages your seed phrases while preserving your privacy, providing maximum security, and ensuring your independence.
The FYEO Process
When FYEO performs an assessment, we focus on the code committed at a specific time when the code base is feature complete.
Our goal is to give our clients the following:
A better understanding of its security posture and help them identify current and future risks in its deployed chain & contract infrastructure.
An opinion on what security measures are in place regarding maturity, adequacy, and efficiency.
Identify potential issues, including loss of funds scenarios, and include improvement recommendations based on the result of our assessment.
Give the development team a better understanding of writing and maintaining more secure code. The incremental increase of security is part of the overall increased quality of the project.
Findings & Report
During the Secure Code Review of the Censo Applications we discovered:
Censo Vault iOS
1 findings with MEDIUM severity rating.
2 findings with LOW severity rating.
1 finding with INFORMATIONAL severity rating.
Censo Vault Android
1 finding with HIGH severity rating.
2 findings with MEDIUM severity rating.
3 findings with LOW severity rating.
2 findings with INFORMATIONAL severity rating.
Following the audit, the Censo team worked in conjunction with the FYEO team to remediate all security vulnerabilities identified.
This audit is just the beginning. FYEO has partnered with Censo for on-going security services, with continuous audits, a role we are honored to play in the growth of Censo.
Please see the attached full reports to learn more.